BABS 50th Anniversary Legacy Fund

Following on from our recent Budget & Planning weekend, the Board are currently forecasting achieving a significant surplus, which is testament to not only the hard work that each individual Director has put in to ensure their departments are making savings, but also to each and every member who attended our events, encouraged friends and family to do, or made a donation. 

With this in mind, the Board wanted to do something to give back to the community, ensuring that the momentum of our 50th anniversary year continues past convention and so they have launched the BABS 50th Anniversary Legacy Fund: a pot of £10,000 that each and every individual BABS Member, or any BABS Quartet or Club, is eligible to apply for - and the possibilities are endless. 

This is your opportunity to fund a dream barbershop project.

The deadline for applications was the 15th of September and the Board are looking forward to reading your submissions. We recipients will be notified in due course

As part of our charitable objectives, each year, BABS gives around £18,000 to its member clubs, individual members, and members of the public, to help to educate the world about barbershop singing.

General Grants

The Board of Trustees are always happy to consider grants for choruses, quartets, and individuals. This may be for recruitment activity, coaching, education, or music.

If you are applying for a Grant as an Individual or as a Quartet, you will need to fill ensure your application comes with a completed Grant Referee Form.

If you are applying for a Grant on behalf of a Club, there is no such requirement.

Please fill out the relevant application form below.

Application forms

If you wish to apply for any of the above grants, please fill out the appropriate form below.

A Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Registered Charity No: 1080930 | 29-30 Fitzroy Square, Fitzrovia, London W1T 6LQ
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