To register online please complete the form below. When completed and checked, click the Register button. We are currently transitioning to a new payment system so the registration function will not charge you at this time. BABS will contact you following to request payment of the quartet registration fee.

If you have any queries please email the Quartet Registrar [email protected].

Quartet Registration Rules

Notes completing the quartet registration form

  1. All quartets are recommended to register, irrespective of their intention to compete, as this provides insurance cover
  2. The registration fee includes insurance for all quartet members who are also members of a BABS club (including Don Amos club).
  3. There is no registration fee payable by past quartet champions, who remain on the register in perpetuity. However, the quartet must still complete an annual registration form if it wishes to be covered by the quartet insurance policy.
  4. Dates of birth are only required if the quartet wishes to enter the Senior or Youth contests, or believes it may be eligible for another age-related award
  5. Please ensure the Quartet Registrar is informed promptly of any changes
  6. The quartet name and contact email address will appear on the BABS website, if requested
  7. Quartet register information is held on a computer database. The information it contains is not shared externally unless the quartet has asked to be listed on the BABS website or agreed for its details to be passed to external agents
  8. All queries relating to insurance should be addressed to the BABS Director of Administration on [email protected]
  9. Quartet name: A new quartet may not register a name which is the same as, or could be confused with, a name that already exists on the register. See below for a list of reserved names.
Reserved Quartet Names

BABS Quartet Registration Form

Select your organisation if there is a match.




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    A Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Registered Charity No: 1080930 | 29-30 Fitzroy Square, Fitzrovia, London W1T 6LQ
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